We will discuss algorithms to compute minima or maxima which are frequently needed in statistics and machine learning. Topics of lectures on four occasions: gradient based algorithms, stochastic gradient based algorithms, gradient free algorithms (e.g. particle swarm optimisation), handling of restrictions during optimisation. Course homepage: http://www.adoptdesign.de/optimisation1.html
All lectures are online via Zoom. The lecturer is Prof. Dr. Claudia Czado (https://www.professoren.tum.de/en/czado-claudia/) who also wrote the course book. Info regarding the course is available in the attached course plan. The course will take place in the last week of august (detailed schedule is attached). Any questions contact Kristofer Månsson (kristofer.mansson@ju.se).
Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus all lectures will be online via Zoom.The lecturer is Dr. Abdul Aziz Ali. Info regarding the course is available in the attached course plan. The course will start in the midle of may. Any questions contact Kristofer Månsson (kristofer.mansson@ju.se).
At the Division of Statistics and Machine Learning, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, 14th-19th May 2020 we will be hosting a school concerning stochastic differential equations and the YUIMA R package (Simulation and Inference for SDEs and Other Stochastic Processes, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/yuima/index.html). The lectures will be given by members of the YUIMA team ( https://yuimaproject.com/ ).
This is an advanced course in Bayesian statistics for PhD students in statistics, computer science, the engineering sciences and other related fields.
The course is divided into 4 contemporary topics in Bayesian analysis, and the choice of topics can vary from year to year depending on the research frontier. Students can pick and choose among the topics and will be given 2 credits for each selected topic.
The planned topics for the current year are:
Submitted by jolanta.pielasz... on November 14, 2019 - 00:05
All lectures are expected to be streamed live online, through Zoom. Apart from traditional white-board lectures, there will also be computer classes to ensure a strong connection to empirical econometric modelling.
We will be following the book Econometric analysis: 8th Edition. W. H. Greene closely throughout the course. The exam will consist of a number of home assignment involving theoretical matters as well as empirical analyses. Students who have not yet applied to the course should do this asap, directly to the course coordinator (see contact info below).
Submitted by johantykesson on July 4, 2019 - 15:33
During the fall 2019 professor Richard Davis, Columbia University, will give a course on Topics in Time Series Analysis: Old to New.
The course is aimed at advanced masters students and PhD students from Chalmers and Gothenburg University, and also welcomes students from other Scandinavian universities. The first meeting will be
Monday, September 23, 13:15-15:00, room MVH 12 in the Mathematics Building, Chalmers tvärgata 3
The Department of Statistics at Uppsala University plans to give an introductory PhD course in philosophy of science in May-June and August-September 2019, see attached file.
Submitted by pergosta on December 18, 2018 - 10:23
The aim is to provide some theory concerning asymptotic methods of statistics and probability with applications to inference problems. Knowledge of measure theory is not needed. Basic convergence concepts and results (with proofs) such as the Lindeberg-Lévy central limit theorem should have been covered in previous courses.
To sign up for the course send an e-mail to per.gosta.andersson@stat.su.se