Spatial Statistics (Winter Conference)

Course content

Introduction to spatial data analysis, representing space, interfacing geographical information systems, space-time data, spatial statistics overview (point patterns, geostatistics, areal data).
Use of GIS and spatial statistics for radioecological modeling and mapping using Chernobyl- and Fukushima-related data, focusing on public health protection.
Statistical spatial data analysis using freeware R statistical software packages and their integration with ArcGIS software. Introduction to approximate Bayesian inference for spatial data using integrated nested Laplace approximations (INLA) and applied computer exercises on spatial data.


The course content is based on the lectures given at the winter conference in statistics in Orsa Grönklitt March 11 - 15. Students who wish to participate in the course and conference should register by sending an e-mail to Lars Rönnergård ( no later than February 3. Note that this is a special offer for PhD students and an extension of the normal registration dead line for the conference and that the normal conference fee applies.

Course Data
Type of schedule: 
Travel friendly schedule
Credits (ECTS): 