Ph.D. course in Statistical Inference HT2018-VT2019

Ph.D. course in Statistical Inference (15 hp) for students in
Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, and related areas.

Background. This initiative to have a national Ph.D. course has been taken by the departments of Statistics in Sweden and has been synchronized by Thomas Holgersson, LNU and Dietrich von Rosen, SLU. There will be three 3-days gatherings each comprising about 20 hours of lectures. The first meeting will take place in Växjö, 4-6 December and the second will be held in Stockholm, 12-14 February. The third one is organized in Uppsala, dates tba. In each block the first day starts at 12.30 and the last day we stop at 15.00. A more detailed schedule will be made available shortly.

Instructors in the course are, among others, Thomas Holgersson, Björn Holmquist, Mattias Villani, Dietrich von Rosen, Rolf Sundberg and Silvelyn Zwanzig.

Fee. There is no charge for the course, but a fee of 1500 sek to cover coffee and social events. The fee should be covered by the participant’s home university. Please refer to Professor Dietrich von Rosen for details of the payment.

Contents. The course aims to serve as a basic Ph.D. course for students in Statistics. Subjects covered in the course includes a brief historical perspective, point- and interval estimation in frequentistic and Bayesian contexts, parametric and non-parametric hypothesis tests, computer-intensive methods, linear models, decision theory and other central topics in inference. A number of exercises will be discussed during the meetings. Concerning the course literature there will be many sources. The instructors will provide their own materials or suggest suitable reading.

Prerequisites. A master in Statistics, Mathematical Statistics or equivalent is a reasonable background. However, local master students are welcome to follow the presentations.

Participation. Those who intend to participate please contact Thomas Holgersson ( or Dietrich von Rosen ( We kindly ask you to confirm participation with your main supervisor.

General information. Thomas Holgersson ( or Dietrich von Rosen ( can suggest B & B or hotels but all travelling arrangements and bookings has to be taken care of by the participant and her/his home institution. We can also provide more specific course information.

Warmly welcome!
Thomas & Dietrich

PDF icon Announcement_2018.pdf344.55 KB
Course Data
Type of schedule: 
Travel friendly schedule
Credits (ECTS): 