Multi level analysis
COURSE SYLLABUS Multi level analysis
Course Code 3FNA014
Date of Decision
Decision-making Body Board: School of Management and Economics
Valid from 2010-09-01
Language of instruction English/Swedish
Subject Economics/Statistics
Credits/ECTS credits 7.5
Level Master and PhD-level
Type of course Included in the PhD-programme in economics.
Prerequisites It is assumed that all participants have a basic knowledge of LINEAR and GENRALIZED LINEAR methods.
Expected learning outcomes The aim of the course is to give the students basic knowledge in multilevel modelling from both theoretical as well as practical side.
Course contents
- Introduction to Linear model.
- What is Multilevel Modelling
- Why using Multilevel Modelling
- Linear Multilevel model
- Generalized Linear Multilevel modelling
- Predication from linear and Generalized linear Model
- Bayesian multilevel model
- R free software
- MLwiN software
- Using R for Multilevel model
- Using MLwiN for Multilevel modelling
- Using R and MLwiN to Data from Participants.
Teaching methods Lectures, seminars and computer assignements
Course literature Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, ANDREW GELMAN and JENNIFER HILL, CAMBRIDGE 2007. 465 pages
Assessment methods Presentations of papers.
Type of grades Pass/not pass
Study certificate Student who has passed the course will get a study certificate.
This course will be hold during one week from monday 20/Sep 2010 12:15 (daily) and will be ended on frieday 24/Sep 2010 at 12.
For more information please contact